How To Prosper As An Intuitive Empath

Dec, 18, 2024
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Prosper as an intuitive empath

Read on to find out what nobody talks about when you’re an intuitive empath! Having an inner knowing comes with a lot of weight and potential threats to your energy. You will find some techniques to manage your intuition and protect your aura. 

What is an intuitive empath?

An intuitive empath at its core, is a person who carries a heightened sense of awareness.

How this energy of awareness is used in our lives can be determined by upbringing, traumatic situations, genetics, and individuality.

Awareness is a beautiful energy that lights up in different parts of everyone’s mind and for different reasons. Anxiety is an example of heightened awareness. It can also manifest itself as autism, OCD, the label HSP, empaths, etc.

Learn how to tap into your intuition and let it be your guide. The more you ignore your intuition the more validation you will seek from others.

You already know the answer.


Don’t Seek Validation For Your Intuition

Do not seek others to approve of your actions or reasonings. Logic can’t explain a gut feeling. So asking others for approval using their logic will only make you doubt your intuition.

Also, when you ask for validation, you are giving away your power to make a sound decision for yourself. Your telling others that you can’t take care of yourself.

Practice Acceptance

Learn to accept the way that others are, do not try to change them. As an intuitive empath, you see the intention behind the words, you might see solutions to other people’s problems easily.

But it is not your place. They are choosing to put on that performance, let them perform.  If you’re quick to fix another’s issues. This is a sign to go deeper into shadow work.

As intuitive empaths, learn to use your gift for yourself or the ones who ask for your help.

Don’t Let the Weight Bring You Down

Noticing more than others around you can feel like a weight that you constantly have to carry. This is a mistake intuitive empaths can make, letting the awareness become a negative thing.

There is not an off switch for your awareness and care for others. However, you can let go. Find a way to turn the weight into a feather. Notice and then, let it fly away.

This heightened sense doesn’t have to weigh you down. It is something that you use when you need to.

2 Ways To Take care of an intuitive empath

  • Meditation is key for letting go.
  • Shadow work is key for understanding yourself and your motives.

Issues intuitive empaths Have

Negative Projections

Pay attention to your negative projections and how they reflect back to your core. If you are an intuitive empath you know how easy it is to focus on other people’s issues instead of your own. Combine that with your caring nature and it’s a disastrous recipe for you to ignore your own self. 

Most of us feel overwhelmed by how much we are always taking in from others that we neglect ourselves. It is important to put yourself in check. Take notice when you make a projection at someone. Notice if you’re really talking about yourself deep down. These Freudian slips are good clues on buried things you need to heal. 

Protect Your Energy From Manipulators

You may think with your super intuition that you are safe from manipulators, but this is not the case. Manipulators are masters at concealing their intentions. This makes it more difficult to detect that the person is no good for your life. 

There is also a chance that they will take advantage of your compassion. Having boundaries is crucial for intuitive empaths. No one in a social setting can mentally rattle you if you don’t allow it. Remove yourself from a situation, say no when needed, and don’t look for external validation for choices you’re making.

Trust Yourself

“Your intuition will not flow from validation by others.”

Trust is a word that holds weight and contains many layers. The real essence of having trust is much more complicated than the simple word we all learned as children. To truly have trust in yourself, is to take actions based on your own reasonings. You never need a second opinion.

Trusting your intuition is the same deal. When your intuition is pulling hard at you to take a certain action, listen to it. Make actions based on your intuition and let the flow come into your life.

Everything will flow when you trust and take action. If you choose to do something based off your own reasoning and it doesn’t work out, you will appreciate the lesson much more.

Limit time spent socially

One of the biggest complaints for an intuitive empath is feeling drained. You take in so much mentally that you feel exhausted after any normal day. It is very healthy to be social but schedule out time for just you. Let solitude bring you comfort. Make yourself a safe space for you to come back to after feeling drained from others energies. 

Prosper as an intuitive empath

Having an attuned intuition can feel like a superpower. However, that doesn’t mean nothing can affect you. Intuitive empaths have the best of both worlds. Intuition and empathy. What comes with it, is an innate sense of knowing but a kindness that can hold you back from taking action. 

Learn your boundaries. Trust your inner knowing. Take Action.

how to prosper as an intuitive empath


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