I Have Anxiety All The Time

May, 09, 2024
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I Have Anxiety All The Time, How Do I Handle It?

Anxiety that goes on all the time can disguise itself in ways you might not expect. Sometimes you feel off but you’re not sure why.




Signs Of Anxiety:

  • Perfectionism
  • Negative self-talk
  • Feeling judged
  • Fatigue
  • Lack of focus
  • Restless
  • Easily emotional
  • Feeling stuck mentally
  • Afraid of criticism

Survival mode can cause anxiety

i have anxiety all the time


If you struggle with anxiety, it may have come from a traumatic experience or environment. In that overwhelming time of your life, you could only focus on the problem at hand in order to survive. When you got out of that experience or environment you will still be in the habit of focusing on survival. Making it harder to live a “normal life” One where you are productive, juggling multiple aspects of life, and keeping up with relationships.

Getting back to normal, is more difficult than other people will give you credit for. It is a huge transition.

Anxiety was that constant worry that may have kept you alive, but now it is holding you back.  Anxiety can keep you in a state of worry and fear when there is no real threat. Causing you to become overwhelmed, easily fatigued and unable to focus during your day.

Anxiety can become worse at night and leave you restless. When your mind is not forced to focus on a task it leaves room to overthink everything.


Here Is A List Of Things You Might Overthink:

  • A mistake you made last year
  • An embarrassing moment at work
  • Thoughts about family passing
  • Worries about future
  • Sadness about past
  • Shame for not feeling good enough
  • Comparison of someone from social media

There are ways to calm down your anxiety and heal.

Short-Term Solutions For Anxiety Attacks:

  • Deep breathing
  • Cry to release emotion
  • Fidget toys
  • Watch favorite movie
  • Bath


Long-Term Solutions for Anxiety:

  • Meditation
  • Yoga/Pilates
  • Emotional Support Animal
  • Giving yourself grace
  • Focus on breathing daily
  • Accomplish small goals

Check out the 8 Coping Skills For Anxiety:  https://simplyanxiety.com/8-coping-skills-for-anxiety/



Having anxiety all the time is a nightmare. You feel unproductive, lazy and burnt-out. It is normal to feel all of these things. Healing chronic anxiety is a journey. It takes time to get your mind used to your environment, where it’s not constantly living in flight of fight mode. Healing anxiety is hard, but it isn’t impossible. Remember to show yourself love and don’t be your own worst enemy. 


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